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Paul Simon's
"Catch the King"
(Chess For Elementary Schools)

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Weekly Puzzles & Trivia

*(Puzzle page will not be renewed until further notice.)*

March 30 , 2020 - Chess Puzzle

Level One - Puzzle #675

In the above position it is white to play and checkmate in one move. Can you find the move that will "Catch the King"?

March 30, 2020 - Chess Puzzle

Level Two - Puzzle #675

It is white to play and mate in two moves in the the above position. Can you find the final moves that were used to "Catch the King"? Hint: Look at the Level One puzzle.

March 30, 2020 - Math Chess

Level One - Puzzle #675

On which square(s) would you need to place the black king in order to turn the above position into a checkmate?

March 30, 2020 - Weekly Trivia Question:

Q #675: Which famous modern day grandmaster claimed to have played Maroczy’s ghost through a Swiss medium?

Solutions will not appear until further notice.

Registered schools are invited to send in their solutions before September 14, 2020.

Last Week's Puzzles & Solutions

March 23, 2020 - Chess Puzzle

Level One - Puzzle #674

In the above position it is white to play and checkmate in one move. Can you find the move that will "Catch the King"?

Solution: Black is checkmated after, 1. Qg4-h5#!

March 23, 2020 - Chess Puzzle

Level Two - Puzzle #674

It is white to play and mate in two moves in the the above position. Can you find the final moves that were used to "Catch the King"? Hint: Look at the Level One puzzle.

Solution:  Once again the black king is on the ropes in this week's puzzle, but how does White finish the game off? While the obvious move, 1. Qg4-h5+, should ultimately lead to a win, it does allow the black king to wiggle and squirm much more than is necessary. The clearest line of play forces Black to block the only escape square allowing White to force a mate in two moves1. Pf4-f5+!!, Bd7xf5  2. Qg4-h5#!

March 23, 2020 - Math Chess

Level One - Puzzle #674

On which square(s) would you need to place a black king in order to turn the above position into a checkmate?

Solution: The above position would be a checkmate if a black king were placed on e4 or e5.

March 23, 2020 - Weekly Trivia Question:

Q #674: What was Geza Maroczy’s official profession?

Answer: Maroczy was a waterworks engineer and math teacher.

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